CLEP US Government

Category - Dem. Philosophy

What is the main idea of substantive democratic theory?
  1. The will of the majority should always determine what laws get passed.
  2. Democracy cannot be effective unless all citizens participate equally in the political process.
  3. Democracy is not legitimate unless the government can be overthrown.
  4. Certain democratic principles must be incorporated into government policies.
  5. The substance of democracy involves electing representatives.
Answer: D- Substantive democratic theory believes that certain core principles such as freedom of expression or religion should always be maintained. It contrasts with procedural democratic theory, which states that as long as the government follows certain procedures, it is doing its job well. Suppose a majority of the people wanted to ban the wearing of hats shaped like wedges of cheese. Substantive democratic theory says you shouldn’t pass that law, even if all the procedures were followed, because it violates the freedom of expression of those who want to wear cheese hats.
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