CLEP US Government

Category - Separation of Powers

What formal role does the President of the United States have in amending the Constitution?
  1. The president must propose any amendment to the Constitution.
  2. After Congress passes an amendment by a 2/3 majority, the president must ratify it.
  3. The president can call a national convention to propose an amendment
  4. The president must write the text of any amendment before Congress can ratify it.
  5. None
Answer: E- The President does not have any formal role in amending the Constitution. Any amendment must go through either 2/3 vote in Congress and pass 3/4 of the state legislatures or 2/3 of state legislatures must request a national convention and then the amendment is passed by constitutional conventions at 3/4 of the states. The president can certainly advocate for an amendment, but the president plays no formal role in passing it.
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