Food Safety

Category - Sanitizing

Sean is cleaning the main oven used on the line. He has removed the oven racks and is beginning to work on the inner walls of the oven. How should he proceed?
  1. Spray the inner walls with a general use cleaning solution and wipe them down with a clean towel.
  2. Wash all the walls with a sanitizing solution then rinse them with clean water.
  3. Wash all the walls with a disinfectant solution, rinse them with clean water, then sanitize them.
  4. Clean all the visibly dirty areas with a disinfectant solution, rinse with clean water, then sanitize them.
Answer: C - When cleaning stationary equipment such as the inner walls of an over, Sean should wash all the walls with a disinfectant solution, rinse them with clean water, and then sanitize them. All surfaces should be washed with a disinfectant solution, rinsed with clean water, and then sanitized to optimize the sanitation process and remove as much contaminants and bacteria as possible.
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