Food Safety

Category - Contamination

The restaurant where Jorge works buys cleaning chemicals in bulk containers. After Jorge pours window cleaner into a smaller container, what should he do next?
  1. Immediately label the new container with the common name of the chemical.
  2. Immediately tell all employees that the bottle holds window cleaner.
  3. Regularly check the small container is stored on top of the original container.
  4. Immediately start cleaning with the window cleaner.
Answer: A - After Jorge pours window cleaner into a small container, he should immediately label the new container with the common name of the chemical. Chemicals pose a risk of contaminating food if they are not used or stored according to the directions. If the bottle is not immediately labeled correctly, an employee may mistakenly use the wrong chemical. Additionally, all employees need to correctly identify chemicals in case of spills or accidents.
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