MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Recreational group and team games such as horseshoes, ultimate, and volleyball are especially well suited to providing social benefits to participants primarily because they:
  1. Keep participants of all fitness levels equally challenged.
  2. Require participants to take turns self-officiating.
  3. Promote enjoyment and camaraderie among participants with similar interests.
  4. Involve competition and scoring, thus generating comments and discussions among participants.
Correct Response: C. Social benefits would most likely emerge from interaction over shared interests, such as the enjoyment of an activity, the camaraderie developed by working together as a team, and mutual enjoyment of success or joking about mistakes. Played as recreational games, these activities tend to be more lighthearted than formal competitive sports. Aspects such as the challenge of maintaining fitness levels appropriate for play (A) and the integrity involved in self-officiating (B) are more individually than socially focused, and discussion of competition and scoring (D) is more likely to involve formal communication than social interaction. 
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