Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

One of the best ways that a Group Fitness Instructor (GFI) will create growth and popularity of an exercise class is to create rapport among attendees. Which of the following is the LEAST appropriate method used by GFIs to establish rapport among participants?
  1. Learning participants’ names
  2. Being approachable before and after class
  3. Shaking hands or hugging participants after an amazing class
  4. Using eye contact or other non-verbal cues appropriate to the person
Answer: C - It is not always appropriate to shake hands, slap backs or hug participants, even after a bonding experience like a 2 hour indoor cycling class. Cultures differ in how they interpret the intent and value of touch and some people are truly uncomfortable with being touched. The wise Group Fitness Instructor will reserve touch for times that it is necessary in order to demonstrate an exercise or task kinesthetically - and even in these situations, it is sometimes necessary to find alternative cueing for when touch produces discomfort or unease.
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