Food Safety

Category - Food handling

Mark is already having a bad morning as manager of a restaurant. He is already short staffed when a waitress, Sarah, calls to say she was out late drinking and vomited around 2 am. Her shift starts at noon. What should Mark tell Sarah to do?
  1. To start her shift at 2pm instead of noon
  2. To stay home today and work tomorrow instead
  3. To rest in the morning and be on time for her shift
  4. To come to work if she is feeling better at noon
Answer: B - If Sarah vomited around 2 am and her shift starts at noon, Mark should tell Sarah to stay home today and work tomorrow instead. Mark may be tempted to diagnose Sarah’s vomiting as a hangover and make Sarah work. However, Sarah could have an illness that could contaminate any food she handles. Food handlers may not return to work less than 24 hours after vomiting unless they have a written release from a medical practitioner.
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