MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

In a school–community collaboration, a local fitness facility agrees to offer high school students free passes to the facility after they receive related fitness instruction in a physical education class. Which of the following best describes a primary advantage of this type of collaboration?
  1. Previewing the facility improves chances that students will continue to use it, which benefits both the facility and students.
  2. The arrangement generates goodwill between the facility and local businesses owned by students' families.
  3. The facility provides a less stressful environment for students who are self-conscious about body composition.
  4. The collaboration allows physical education teachers to reallocate time usually spent on fitness to other instructional areas.
Correct Response: A. Students who become familiar with and competent at using a fitness facility as part of their school activities are more likely to take advantage of this physical activity opportunity than if they had to seek out a facility on their own. This can encourage students' development of lifelong fitness habits as well as provide a financial benefit to the fitness facility. Although this arrangement can promote goodwill within the community (B), that would not be the primary benefit. Students who are self-conscious about body composition are likely to experience similar feelings at school and at a fitness facility (C). Fitness education should remain a part of the school curriculum even when some students are physically active outside of the school environment (D) so that all students have opportunity to participate in that learning. 
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