Civil Engineering PE

Category - Water Treatment

How much water (in approximate million gallons per day (MGD)) can be treated in a detention basin with the dimensions 15 feet by 10 feet by 8 feet deep and a required detention time of 60 minutes?
  1. 0.22 MGD
  2. 12.93 MGD
  3. 149.6 MGD
  4. None of the above
Answer: A - A 15-foot by 10 foot by 8-foot deep detention basin with a required detention time of 60 minutes can treat approximately 0.22 MGD.

Solution: Basin Volume = length x width x depth

Given 7.48 gallons = 1 cubic foot

Basin Volume = (15 ft) x (10 ft) x (8 ft) x (7.48 gallons/cubic feet)

= 8,976 gallons

Flow Rate = 8,976 gallons/60 minutes

= 149.6 gallons/minute

149.6 gallons/minute x 1,440 minutes/day = 215,424 gallons
(approx. 0.22 MGD)
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