Civil Engineering PE

Category - Water Treatment

Concerning atmospheric vacuum breakers (ABV), which of the following statements is incorrect?
  1. The AVB is always located downstream from all shut-off valves
  2. The AVB air inlet valve is open when water flows in the normal direction
  3. AVB valves do not operate properly when under continuous pressure for more than 12 hours in a 24-hour period
  4. None of the above
Answer: B - The statement “The AVB air inlet valve is open when water flows in the normal direction” is incorrect. The air inlet valve is closed when water flows in the normal direction. This device is used to protect against backsiphonage and contamination, and relies on air inlet valve to open when backpressure is present. AVB valves must be placed in a location where shut-off valves or downstream obstructions will not keep the device under pressure.
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