MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Which of the following best describes the role of nonverbal communication?
  1. Decreasing the risk of confrontation.
  2. Negating cultural biases.
  3. Alleviating the need for verbal communication.
  4. Reinforcing verbal communication.
Correct Response: D. Nonverbal communication is commonly used to reinforce verbal communication. People use facial expressions, posture, gestures, and tone of voice to supplement their spoken message. Although circumstances may sometimes require that nonverbal communication be used in place of verbal communication, it is not considered a preferred substitute for speaking (C). Because all forms of communication are generally influenced by culture, nonverbal communication can actually reinforce a cultural bias (B) held by another person. Similarly, nonverbal communication can actually increase the risk of confrontation, such as in instances in which offensive gestures are used (A).
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