Civil Engineering PE

Category - Transportation

A roadway improvement project to improve safety is cost effective when which of the following factors are met (fill in the blanks)?

Benefits: Reduced crash frequency, Reduced ___________, Reduced liability costs

Costs: Design and installation cost, __________________ cost, Cost of more frequent, less severe crashes

  1. Crash severity, liability
  2. Crash severity, maintenance and operation
  3. Maintenance, liability
  4. All of the above
Answer: A - A roadway improvement project to improve safety is cost effective when the following factors are met.

Benefits: Reduced crash frequency, Reduced crash severity, Reduced liability costs

Costs: Design and installation cost, _maintenance and operation cost, Cost of more frequent, less severe crashes


Benefit/cost ratios that result from an alternatives analysis are often used to establish project priorities that are implemented once money and resources become available.
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