A client with chronic sinusitis suffers from poor ventilation due to the narrowing or obstruction of the nasal passageways. The nurse understands that poor ventilation can lead to poor nasal drainage. The nurse does NOT include which of the following comfort care measures for this client?
  1. Encourage increase oral fluid intake.
  2. Apply warm wrap or compress over the sinuses.
  3. Increase the humidity of the environment.
  4. Encourage plenty of rest in the day.
Answer: D - Preferably, the nurse should not encourage plenty of rest in the day to avoid lack of sleep at night. Clients with chronic sinuses complain of fatigue due to lack of sleep. Sleeping patterns are usually disrupted due to difficulty breathing, chronic headache, and periorbital pain. In the morning, nasal stuffiness is more severe. Increasing oral fluid intake and increasing the humidity promote better drainage of the sinuses. Warm compresses over the sinuses would dilate the sinuses, decreasing nasal stuffiness.
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