Certified Gastroenterology RN Exam Prep

Category - Reduction of Risk

Tommy, a client diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type II, is asked by his physician to undergo hemoglobin A1c testing every three months. Tommy asks the nurse about the significance of this test. The nurse correctly responds that hemoglobin A1c testing does not:

  1. Test the client's compliance with medications
  2. Test the client's compliance with diet
  3. Test the client compliance with his exercise regimen
  4. Test the client's disease progression

Answer: D - Hemoglobin A1C does not determine disease progression. Hemoglobin A1C is a test used to determine glucose control. The results imply whether or not the client has been compliant with medications, diet and exercise regimen. An acceptable HbA1c is 4% - 6%. This test is repeated every three or six months.

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