Alcohol Safety - Question List

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46. A customer appears to be intoxicated, but his wife says he is fine. They're about to drive home and the car keys are in his hand. What should you do in this situation?
  1. Insist that the wife drive instead.
  2. Force the keys out of his hand and refuse to let him drive.
  3. Offer to call the couple a cab and/or try to find them alternate transportation.
  4. Make them stay in the establishment for several hours to sober up.
47. You refuse to continue serving a customer, but he threatens you with violence. He seems serious. What is the right thing to do in this situation?
  1. Stand your ground and threaten him right back.
  2. Remain polite but get the manager and/or a bouncer for assistance.
  3. Attempt to physically restrain the customer.
  4. Agree to serve him one more drink on the condition that he leaves immediately after.
48. You ask to see a customer's ID, but he tells you he accidentally left it at home. His friend - who did show you a legal ID - comes over and insists they are the same age. He seems to be telling the truth, so what should you do now?
  1. Apologize for the inconvenience, but explain to him or her that you are unable to serve the customer without an ID.
  2. Allow the customer with a legal ID to buy a drink for his friend, but do not serve the non-ID friend yourself.
  3. Go ask the manager for permission to serve the non-ID customer.
  4. Ask the non-ID customer a series of age-related questions in order to verify that he or she is telling the truth.
49. You are tending bar at an event where you know there are minors present. A few of them even tried to order drinks, but you politely turned them away. Now some people are ordering multiple drinks at a time. How do you make sure they aren't giving drinks to the minors?
  1. Offer to bring their drinks over to their table.
  2. Politely ask who the drinks are for.
  3. Limit the number of drinks they can order at a time.
  4. All of the above.
50. You are serving a bachelorette party, and everyone keeps buying the bride drinks. She seems to be getting pretty drunk and tired, but nobody in her group seems to notice. Should you step in?
  1. No. It’s not really your business and you could upset your customers.
  2. Yes. You should stop serving the bride and offer everyone some water.
  3. It all depends on whether or not the bride is bothered by the number of drinks.
  4. No. However, you should start serving the bride weaker drinks.

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