ServSafe / Food Safety Practice Test - Question List

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21. Which of the following sources of food is not acceptable to serve in a restaurant?
  1. Home preserved foods
  2. Canned foods
  3. Imported Foods
  4. Seafood
22. In a kitchen refrigerator, the following order is an acceptable order to store goods, listed from lowest point in the refrigerator to highest point:
  1. Poultry, Meat, Vegetables
  2. Vegetables, Poultry, Meat
  3. Meat, Vegetables, Poultry
  4. Fruit, Vegetables, Meat
23. The presence of microorganisms is a form of:
  1. Chemical Hazard
  2. Biological Hazard
  3. Physical Hazard
  4. Potentially Hazardous Food

Potentially hazardous cold foods must be kept at an internal temperature of ____ or lower to prevent rapid bacteria growth.

  1. 45 °F
  2. 40 °F
  3. 38 °F
  4. 32 °F
25. You have just finished cutting raw chicken on your cutting board and your next task is to cut onions for a raw salad. What step should be taken before cutting the raw onion?
  1. Turn the board over to avoid cross contamination
  2. Rinse the board in running water
  3. Wipe the board of any remaining raw chicken
  4. Wash, rinse, and sanitize the cutting board

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