MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following Web sites provides access to an interactive, personalized system for assessing and monitoring one's current diet and physical activity levels on an ongoing basis?
  1. USDA ChooseMyPlate
  2. Consumer Reports: Health
  3. WebMD
  4. Healthy People 2020
Correct Response: A. The USDA (formerly MyPyramid) website provides information and interactive software for planning, tracking, and analyzing diet and physical activity. The website is especially useful to students because its tools and recommendations can be customized according to gender, age, and activity level, and it includes topics, activities, and games geared specifically to children. Consumer Reports: Health analyzes and reports on a variety of health-related topics, including food, diet plans, and safety equipment (B). WebMD provides information on a wide range of health topics, including diseases, treatments, and wellness strategies (C). Healthy People 2020 (formerly Healthy People 2010) is a U.S. government website designed in large part to provide information to help communities and organizations develop programs to improve individuals' health and wellness (D)
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