MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Vigorous cardiorespiratory fitness activities should be followed by cool-down and stretching activities in order to:
  1. Trigger a final surge in metabolic rate before the body reverts to a resting state.
  2. Prevent a sudden reduction in carbohydrates and glucose levels in the body.
  3. Trigger a decrease in the level of growth hormone in the body.
  4. Prevent muscle soreness and blood pooling in the extremities.
Correct Response: D. After vigorous exercise, a cool down gradually reduces the intensity of movement, which aids in maintaining the flow of blood back to the heart for recirculation and keeps blood from pooling in the lower limbs. Muscles that are warm from exercise are in an optimum state for effective stretching, which may decrease the buildup of lactic acid and help prevent muscle cramping and stiffness. A cool down would gradually slow the metabolic rate (A) and does not significantly affect carbohydrate and glucose levels (B) or growth hormone levels (C)
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