MTEL Physical Education

Category - Physical Education

Which of the following precautions is most important in preventing blisters while hiking?
  1. Keeping Cool On Hot Days To Prevent Feet From Sweating.
  2. Wearing two pairs of socks so no air circulates next to skin.
  3. Remaining hydrated and warming up before hikes on cold days.
  4. Wearing sturdy, proper-fitting hiking shoes that have been broken in.
Correct Response: D. The most important gear for hiking is a pair of sturdy hiking shoes that fit properly and are broken in so they do not rub on parts of the feet and ankles and cause blisters. Blisters are caused by pressure and friction against the skin from boots and socks, so the best protection is footwear that does not irritate the skin. Because blisters are more likely to emerge when feet are warm and moist, it can help to stop periodically and remove footwear to cool and dry the socks and feet (A), but this strategy will not guard against ill-fitting footwear that rubs the skin. Lack of air circulation (B) is more likely to exacerbate, rather than prevent blisters, and, while hydration and a proper warm-up (C) are critical for injury prevention on hikes, they are not factors in the formation of blisters. 
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