MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Which of the following is the main purpose of public policies that require manufacturers to add vitamins and minerals to cereal and milk sold in the United States?
  1. Extending the shelf life of food products.
  2. Protecting the public from food-borne illnesses.
  3. Increasing the nutrient value of food products.
  4. Minimizing the development of food intolerance conditions.
Correct Response: C. Milk and cereal in the United States are fortified by adding vitamins and minerals to increase the nutrient value of these food products. For example, studies suggest that Americans consume limited amounts of vitamin D–rich foods. By adopting policies that require manufacturers to add vitamin D to milk and cereal, the likelihood that people will consume at least the minimum required amount of vitamin D increases. Adding vitamins and minerals to food products does not generally extend their shelf life (A), protect the public from food-borne illnesses (B), or minimize the development of food intolerance conditions (D). 
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