MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

The most effective way for a college freshman to avoid conflict when faced with having to live with a roommate for the first time is to initially:
  1. Post a list of clear rules for the room.
  2. Communicate openly to share interests, lifestyle, and expectations.
  3. Observe for several weeks to assess the situation.
  4. Share classes, meals, and extracurricular activities together.
Correct Response: B. A college freshman who wishes to avoid conflict with a roommate should seek open communication with the other person. Discussing expectations offers both roommates the opportunity to compromise on areas of potential conflict (such as bathroom schedules, room design, cleaning responsibilities, etc.), and sharing details about interests and lifestyle offers an opportunity to bond. Posting a list of rules (A) signals an air of superiority and might actually end up encouraging conflict. Observing for several weeks (C) may offer the benefit of getting to know the other person's habits, but it could also suggest that established patterns are acceptable, reducing receptivity toward change later and potentially only delaying conflict rather than preventing it. Although sharing some activities can create bonds, having the same classes, eating the same meals, and participating in the same activities (D) goes to an extreme that should not be expected of a roommate. 
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