MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

The mother of an adolescent girl is concerned about her daughter's mental health. Lately, her daughter has been exhibiting signs of depression and withdrawal. The mother makes an appointment for her daughter with a doctor. Which of the following additional actions is most important for the mother to take in this situation?
  1. Be supportive and keep communicating with her daughter, and monitor the type and frequency of the behavior that is worrisome.
  2. Arrange to take a trip over a long weekend to provide the girl with a change of scenery and a change of pace.
  3. Attempt to engage her daughter in talking therapy in which the mother assumes the role of a mental health counselor.
  4. Research treatment options related to teenage depression on the Internet in order to prepare for a variety of diagnoses.
Correct Response: A. Because withdrawal from family and friends is one sign of teen depression, maintaining communication with the daughter is vital. One way the mother can encourage communication is by adopting a non-judgmental stance toward information her daughter shares. Documenting the frequency of worrisome behaviors will also provide important information that the doctor can use in providing a diagnosis. Although the mother should be willing to listen to her daughter's thoughts, any form of cognitive therapy should be left for a trained mental health counselor (C). In addition, although providing a distraction through a fun activity, such as a trip (B), and researching treatment options for teenage depression (D) might be useful to both mother and daughter, neither is more important than offering support and monitoring behavior.
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