MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

Cardiorespiratory fitness can best be defined as the ability to:
  1. Execute high-intensity muscle contractions over and over again.
  2. Generate force repeatedly without experiencing fatigue.
  3. Engage in strenuous physical activity without experiencing pain or stiffness.
  4. Perform aerobic activity for sustained periods of time.
Correct Response: D. Another term for cardiorespiratory fitness is aerobic fitness. It refers to the ability of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems to work together to efficiently deliver oxygen throughout the body during aerobic activity. The ability to repeatedly execute high-intensity muscle contractions (A) and the ability to generate force repeatedly without experiencing fatigue (B) are both related to muscular endurance rather than cardiorespiratory fitness. Although regular exercise and stretches may increase a person's ability to engage in physical activity without experiencing pain or stiffness (C), this is not synonymous with cardiorespiratory fitness.
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