MTEL Health/Family and Consumer Sciences

Category - Health and Family Sciences

A family made up of two parents and three children ranging in ages from 12 to 18 experiences the loss of the family home in a fire. Which of the following strategies would effectively help this family cope with the changes brought about by this crisis?
  1. Determining the exact cause of the disaster.
  2. Collaborating on dealing with the immediate situation.
  3. Relying on community resources for support.
  4. Designating one member to be the decision maker.
Correct Response: B. Bringing the family together to address their immediate needs is the most effective way to initially deal with the loss of a home. This collaboration would focus the entire family on the most important aspects of moving forward and coping with the changes the fire has brought, thereby allowing the family to re-establish a sense of security and control. While determining the exact cause of the disaster (A) may help in understanding the situation, it would not assist the family in coping with the changes caused by the fire. The family would likely need to rely on community resources (C); however, this would be a temporary measure and alone would not be an effective method of coping with the changes caused by the fire. Designating one family member to be the decision maker (D) would be helpful to the family as a whole, but every member of the household should be helping to make decisions because this is an effective way to regain the sense of control that is lost after a home fire. 
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