MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

The Human Genome Project is expected to benefit primarily which of the following areas?
  1. Biomechanics and bionics.
  2. Trauma response and remediation.
  3. Medical diagnosis and treatment.
  4. Prosthetic manufacturing.
Correct Response: C. The Human Genome Project is a research project with the goal of fully understanding human DNA and the function of all of its parts. This knowledge could be used to diagnose a patient based upon the patient's genetic makeup. It could also be used to develop new treatments that operate at the genetic level to cure diseases. Biomechanics and bionics (A) and prosthetic manufacturing (D) are mostly involved with manufactured devices and are not closely related to genetics. Hence, they are not among the areas expected to benefit primarily from the Human Genome Project. The field of trauma response and remediation (B) deals with trauma victims from a psychological perspective. Since genetic factors are not known to play a major role in this field, it is not expected to benefit significantly from the Human Genome Project.
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