MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

Which of the following manufacturing processes is most commonly used to create detailed metal parts that require minimal finishing?
  1. Sand Casting.
  2. Mold casting.
  3. Centrifugal casting.
  4. Die casting.
Correct Response: D. Due to highly detailed die molds and high-pressure molten metal injection, die casting produces the most finely detailed metal parts requiring the least amount of finishing. As the name implies, sand casting (A) is a casting process where the mold is made out of sand held together with a binder. While this process is less expensive than others, the mold is limited in terms of detail, finish, and ability to withstand high-pressure injection. In conventional mold casting (B), the molten metal is poured into the mold under the influence of gravity. Because the molten metal is not injected under high pressure, the results are not as finely detailed as those from die casting. Centrifugal casting (C) is primarily used to manufacture stock materials in axially-symmetric shapes, such as pipes and flanges. These materials typically require machining before they are ready to be used. Centrifugal casting is not generally used to create specific finished parts.
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