MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

A manufacturing company is producing dowels that have a diameter of 8.5 mm ± 0.1 mm. The hole the diameter must fit into has a diameter of 9.0 mm ± 0.1 mm. According to these specifications, what is the greatest clearance that can occur between the two parts?
  1. 0.1 mm
  2. 0.2 mm
  3. 0.5 mm
  4. 0.7 mm
 Correct Response: D. The greatest clearance will occur for the smallest allowable dowel diameter (8.5 mm – 0.1 mm = 8.4 mm) and the largest allowable hole diameter (9.0 mm + 0.1 mm. = 9.1 mm). This maximum clearance will be the difference between the diameters (9.1 mm – 8.4 mm = 0.7 mm). Answer choice (A) assumes that the greatest clearance would be equal to the greatest tolerance.  Answer choice (B) assumes that the greatest clearance would be equal to the sum of the tolerances. Answer choice (C) assumes that the tolerances have no effect on the greatest clearance. It is incorrectly calculated that the greatest clearance is equal to the difference (9.0 mm – 8.5 mm) = 0.5mm.
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