MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

The primary motivation for companies using containers in intermodal freight transport is that this system:
  1. Reduces delivery time.
  2. Minimizes weight.
  3. Reduces fuel consumption.
  4. Minimizes freight handling.
Correct Response: D. Intermodal freight transport is a term for transporting the same shipment of freight using several different modes such as on boats, trucks, and trains. Rather than load and unload the individual crates of freight from one vehicle to the next, they can all be packed into one large universal container that can then be stacked on a large ship, attached to a special railroad car, or converted into a truck trailer. This system drastically minimizes freight handling. While this added efficiency could reduce delivery time (A), this is not the primary motivation. The use of containers does not usually reduce overall weight (B), and hence fuel consumption (C). It could even increase weight since the container itself needs to be extremely rugged.
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