MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

Approximately 3,000 years ago, smelting furnaces that could achieve high temperatures were developed. This new technology was responsible for iron replacing which of the following metals in the industry of the time?
  1. Tin
  2. Brass
  3. Pewter
  4. Bronze
Correct Response: D. The Bronze Age followed the Neolithic period, or Stone Age. Bronze is a very hard alloy created from copper and tin. The use of bronze to make tools, weapons, and ornaments was a major technological advance. It required the ability to mine for minerals, smelt ores, and develop casting processes. It was the prominent metal for most uses before high-temperature smelting techniques made iron a feasible replacement. None of the other metals—tin, brass, or pewter (A, B, and C)—were used to the same degree as bronze, as they are not hard enough for most applications.
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