MTEL Technology and Engineering

Category - Tech and Engineering

Which of the following is an example of an open geothermal heat pump system?
  1. Water from naturally hot springs is circulated past an evaporator coil containing a refrigerant before being released into a nearby body of water.
  2. Water heated in a boiler is piped to buildings through underground conduits to minimize heat loss and then released into a river.
  3. Thermocouples in the ground take advantage of natural temperature differences in the soil to generate energy.
  4. Subsurface steam from a volcanically active region is circulated throughout a city to heat buildings and melt ice.
Correct Response: A. The system described in choice A satisfies the requirements of the question. The system is open since the water is not recirculated, the system is geothermal since the hot springs are naturally heated by the earth’s internal temperature, and the system involves a heat pump in the form of a refrigerant that is compressed to a liquid and allowed to expand to gas in an evaporator coil. Choice B is not primarily powered by geothermal energy and it does not involve a heat pump. Choice C is not an open system and it does not involve a heat pump. Choice D does not involve a heat pump.
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