CPCE Exam Prep

Category - Appraisal

Judith Beck, a leading cognitive therapist, has recommended 10 procedures for an initial session. What is not one of these procedures?
  1. Establish a meaningful agenda
  2. Identify and review presenting problems
  3. Lead the client in a series of free associations
  4. Establish goals

Answer - C - Leading the client in a series of free associations is a therapeutic tool for psychoanalysis, not cognitive therapy. The remaining seven procedures Beck recommends are as follows: determine and measure the intensity of the person’s mood, educate the person about cognitive therapy and the role of the client, provide information about the person’s difficulties and diagnosis, recommend tasks and homework between sessions, summarize the session, and obtain the client’s feedback on the sessions.

Judith Beck's 10 steps refer to a cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) model for treating a variety of psychological disorders. The steps were outlined in Beck's book "Cognitive Therapy: Basics and Beyond" and are as follows:

  1. Develop a good therapeutic relationship with the client: This involves establishing a rapport, building trust and ensuring that the client feels comfortable with the therapist.
  2. Identify the client's problems and set goals: The therapist and client work together to identify the client's specific problems and set goals for therapy.
  3. Educate the client about the cognitive model: The therapist explains how thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are interconnected and how negative thoughts can lead to negative emotions and behaviors.
  4. Teach the client to identify automatic thoughts: The client learns to recognize negative automatic thoughts that arise in response to certain situations.
  5. Teach the client to evaluate automatic thoughts: The client learns to evaluate the accuracy and helpfulness of their automatic thoughts and to challenge negative thoughts that are unhelpful or distorted.
  6. Teach the client to identify and modify intermediate beliefs: The client learns to identify core beliefs that underlie their automatic thoughts and to modify them if they are irrational or unhelpful.
  7. Teach the client to identify and modify schemas: The client learns to identify deeply ingrained and pervasive beliefs that underlie their core beliefs and to modify them if they are irrational or unhelpful.
  8. Teach the client to develop and implement a treatment plan: The therapist and client work together to develop a plan for implementing cognitive and behavioral strategies that can help the client achieve their goals.
  9. Use cognitive and behavioral techniques to modify automatic thoughts, intermediate beliefs, and schemas: The therapist teaches the client to use specific techniques to modify their negative thoughts, beliefs, and schemas.
  10. Evaluate progress and adjust treatment as necessary: The therapist and client regularly evaluate progress and adjust treatment as necessary to ensure that the client is making progress towards their goals.


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