CPCE Exam Prep

Category - Career

Sexual harassment is a big part of the work environment and takes place in the political and academic setting, as well as in the workplace. Pick out the true statements about sexual harassment listed below.
  1. Older women who report are often ignored or ridiculed
  2. Younger, prettier women who report are often said to be asking for it
  3. Victims often face difficulties such as unemployment or demotions if they resist or report
  4. All of the above
Answer - D - Unfortunately, sexual harassment is still very much a part of many work environments. One of the misconceptions about it is that it is often reported. A survey has found that of the women that were harassed, 75% ignored the harassment and only 18% reported the harassment. It’s not reported often for all of the above reasons. Men can also be the victim of sexual harassment, but it appears to be less common.
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