CompTIA Server+

Category - Server

You have just installed an additional RAM module on your server. Although the server successfully boots to the NOS, not all the RAM is being recognized. Which of the following could be the cause of this issue?
  1. Latest patches for the NOS are not installed
  2. Motherboard BIOS is not updated
  3. Memory is not configured in the CMOS
  4. Incompatible memory
Answer - D - If the system is not showing all of the memory that is installed on the computer, then memory is incompatible.

Key Takeaway: Prior to installing RAM on a server, it needs to be checked for hardware and the NOS compatibility. If this step is not performed and incompatible memory is installed, the system will not count this particular memory module as a part of the resource available on the computer. Updating the BIOS does not alter the physical RAM requirements of the board.
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