CompTIA Server+

Category - Server

You are planning to add a new hard drive on your IDE-based RAID system. Which of the following steps need not be followed when adding a new hard drive on an IDE-based RAID system?
  1. You need to ensure that the new drive is proper terminated.
  2. You have flexibility to use any type of cabling.
  3. You need to configure the new hard drive as a master or a slave drive.
  4. You need to configure the jumper setting on the new drive properly.
Answer - A - When you add an IDE drive into a RAID system, you need not ensure that it is terminated.

Key Takeaway: The concept of drive termination is related to an SCSI drive. When an SCSI drive is added, one needs to ensure that the drive is properly terminated for it to function properly. However, when an IDE drive is added, you need to check the type of cabling, jumper settings, and whether it is to be configured as a master or a slave.
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