CompTIA Server+

Category - Server

David has installed multiple processors on his computer. However, the system recognizes only one processor. Which of the following could be the possible cause of this issue?
  1. Processor speed mismatch
  2. Additional VRMs are not used
  3. Empty processor slots do not have terminator resistor packs.
  4. The OS is not configured to use multiple processors.
Answer - D - Multiple processers are not recognized on the OS because the OS is not configured to use multiple processors.

Key Takeaway: After installing multiple processors on a system with multiple processor slots, the system must be configured to run using SMP. Otherwise, the system continues to function using a single processor. Symmetric Multi-processing, or SMP, is a multiprocessor architecture that supports two or more identical processors to connect to a single shared main memory. It allows a processor to work on any task, irrespective of where the data for that task is located in memory. It is also used to balance the workload efficiently between multiple processors on the system.
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