ATF Special Agent Exam Prep

Category - ICE Special Agent

Some 480,000 immigrants were living in a certain country in 1999. Although most of these immigrants were not employed in professional occupations, many of them were. For instance, many of them were engineers and many of them were nurses. Very few of these immigrants were librarians, another professional occupation.
  1. Most immigrants were either engineers or nurses
  2. It is not the case that some of the nurses were immigrants
  3. None of the engineers were immigrants
  4. Most of those not employed in professional occupations were immigrants
  5. Some of the engineers were immigrants
Answer: E - Response E is correct because it restates the third sentence in terms of the overlap between immigrants and engineers in the country described in the paragraph. Response A says that most immigrants are engineers or nurses, which are professional occupations. However, the second sentence says that most immigrants are not employed in professional occupations, so Response A is false. Response B is false because it denies that there is any overlap between immigrants and nurses, even though this overlap is clear from the third sentence of the paragraph. Response C is false because it denies the overlap between immigrants and engineers. Because the paragraph does not give complete information about the non-professionals (immigrant and nonimmigrant) in the country described in the paragraph, Response D is invalid.
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