Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Participants in a group exercise class can vary in health status, fitness level, motivation, and motor skills. As a result, some people may have special needs or requirements in order to safely participate in an exercise program. How can a Group Fitness Instructor (GFI) best learn of participants’ unique needs or requirements?
  1. Before class begins, ask all participants with unique needs or requirements to raise their hands
  2. Request that all those with unique needs or requirements speak to you at the end of their first class (prior to returning)
  3. Have participants fill out a questionnaire, such as the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q)
  4. Request medical clearance from all participants’ physicians
Answer: C - By having all registered participants in an exercise program fill out a questionnaire such as the PAR-Q, a GFI can discreetly learn of any unique needs or requirements. A GFI can also make a statement at the beginning of the classes asking participants to bring any special needs or requirements to the GFI’s attention at the beginning of class.
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