Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Great track and field sprinters are thought to be born with a larger percentage of fast-twitch muscle fibers. However, not all muscle composition is genetic; it is possible to train in order to produce muscle that produces energy quickly, with little oxygen. Which of the following would be the BEST choice to train fast-twitch fibers?
  1. Weight lifting at 60% of a 1-rep maximum
  2. Low-impact aerobics
  3. Ply metrics
  4. Indoor cycling
Answer: C - Ply metrics is a term reserved for rapid and intense movements, often typified by high-force landings. Plyometric training can be an excellent way to selectively train fast-twitch fibers. However, even cycling, high-impact aerobics and weight lifting can be performed in such a way to demand quick energy recruitment, with low recovery time. Any exercise that focuses on ballistic bursts of speed or power, such as jumping, sprinting and throwing, would be an appropriate training tool for high-twitch fibers.
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