Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Health facilities which offer freeform movement classes have a professional responsibility to offer a safe exercise experience. Which of the following examples is LEAST likely to result in a safe experience?
  1. Good ventilation, with an adjustable temperature range of 55°- 65° F
  2. Good ventilation, with an adjustable temperature range of 65°- 85° F
  3. Access to drinking water
  4. Access to an automated external defibrillator (AED)
Answer: A - Professional, safe movement studios offer good ventilation and easy access to drinking water, first aid equipment, and (a relatively recent addition) an automated external defibrillator. Room temperatures should be adjustable, with the ability to move the temperature as needed between 65°-85°F. For facilities which offer group indoor cycling classes, temperature ceilings may be a little lower; typically under 75°.
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