Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Current yoga fads aside, a hot, humid environment is a very stressful environment for exercise. Which of the following terms would BEST describe the most severe heat-related condition, typified by a complete failure of the heart-regulating mechanisms?
  1. Dehydration
  2. Heat stroke
  3. Heat exhaustion
  4. Non-acclimation
Answer: B - Heat stroke is a life-threatening condition typified by body temperatures exceeding104° F. At this temperature, the peripheral blood vessels have maximally vasodilated, spreading the blood volume out over millions of capillaries and reducing the load that returns to the heart. This reduction in heart volume stimulates an increase in heart rate, but the heart can only beat so fast. At a certain point, the heart’s ability to self-regulate shuts down and immediate action is needed to sustain life.
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