Group Training Specialist Free Exam Prep

Category - NASM Group Training Specialist Practice Test

Beat induction -- the ability of humans to infer a beat from a sound pattern and then to synchronize our movements to the beat - has always been assumed to be a solely human trait. Interestingly, this has been challenged recently by research performed on an Eleonora Cockatoo (Snowball) whose videotaped dance moves to the beat of the Backstreet Boys has “gone viral”. This ability (and compulsion) of humans to synchronize with music is known as:
  1. Interpretive dance
  2. Entrainment
  3. Vibrational awareness
  4. Entrapment
Answer: B - The ability of humans - and the occasional Cockatoo - to find the rhythm in a sound pattern and synchronize their movements with that pattern is a musicological example of “entrainment”. Entrainment typically occurs as a social interaction where one party creates compelling external cues and the other parties respond in an effort to synchronize with the first party. For further examples, consider fireflies… and band camp.
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