LSAT Exam Prep (Reasoning)

Category - Reasoning

Select the answer choice that correctly completes the following: All comedians are cynics.Jerry is a comedian.
  1. All cynics are comedians.
  2. All persons named Jerry are cynics.
  3. Jerry’s humor is cynical.
  4. Jerry is a cynic.
Answer: D - Jerry is a cynic. Answer D is correct because it completes the logical connection between Jerry and cynics. The statement “Jerry is a comedian” establishes that Jerry is within the class of all comedians. Since the major premise establishes that “all comedians are cynics,” Jerry the comedian must also be a cynic. Answers A and B are incorrect because both are too over-inclusive for a logical conclusion (they use the word “all”). Answer C is incorrect because the conclusion is about Jerry’s humor and not Jerry.
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