LSAT Exam Prep (Reasoning)

Category - Reasoning

Select the answer choice that correctly completes the following: All human beings are mortal.George is an extraterrestrial.
  1. All human beings are extraterrestrials.
  2. George is not mortal.
  3. George is not a human being.
  4. None of the above.
Answer: D - None of the above. No conclusion can be reached because George does not fall within the general principle of the major premise. Answer A is not correct because the major premise does not establish a connection between human beings and extraterrestrials. Answer B is not correct because the major premise does not establish anything about whether extraterrestrials are mortal-so it is possible they could be either mortal or immortal. Answer C is not correct because it repeats the minor premise in different words and does not draw a conclusion based on the major premise.
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