LSAT Exam Prep (Reasoning)

Category - Reasoning

Select the answer choice that correctly completes the following: All mountain lions are blue.Peter saw a mountain lion.
  1. The mountain lion was blue.
  2. Peter is a mountain lion.
  3. All mountain lions are blue.
  4. Peter is a blue mountain lion.
Answer: A - The mountain lion was blue. Answer A is correct because it draws a logical conclusion from the major premise (“all mountain lions are blue”) and the minor premise (“Peter saw a mountain lion”). The test-taker must ignore the fact that the major premise is not true. The test-taker must focus only on the logical conclusion from the major and minor premise as given in the question. Answer B is not correct because Peter is not within the class of mountain lions. Answer C is not correct because it simply repeats the major premise. Answer D is not correct because Peter is not within the class of mountain lions.
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