NYSTCE: Students with Disabilities Exam Prep

Category - Understanding and Evaluating

The 1979 California court case, Larry P. v. Riles, California, was about which of the following issues in relation to formal assessments?
  1. The question of whether snacks should be offered during formal assessments
  2. The question of whether parents should be present during formal assessments
  3. The question of whether IQ tests are culturally and racially discriminatory
  4. The question of whether parents should be allowed to conduct formal assessments
Answer: C-The 1979 California court case, Larry P. v. Riles, California, regarded the question of whether IQ tests were culturally and racially discriminatory. In this case, the court ruled that the intellectual functioning of a black child must be assessed by his classroom performance, academic achievement, personal history, and behavior, as opposed to an IQ test.
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