Your client drinks to escape anxiety issues around her own health. You decide to try Stress Inoculation Training (SIT) as part of cognitive behavioral treatment. The therapist seeks to “immunize” a client from the adverse impact of stress by helping them successfully handle increasing stress levels. There are three phases to this training. The first phase is ________________.

  1. Problem identification
  2. Conceptualization
  3. Development of skills
  4. Application and follow through
  5. All of the beginning
Answer - B - Conceptualization is the first phase in SIT training. The client and therapist develop a collaborative relationship and the client is taught about the nature of stress. The client’s thoughts on stress and past experiences with stressful situations are explored in depth. Skills Acquisition is the next phase where coping skills are taught and is followed by Application and Follow-through; the third phase in SIT training.
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