Timothy is thirteen-year-old male being referred to a clinic for treatment by a detention center counselor. This teenager has been in frequent trouble with the law, demonstrating no regard for right and wrong. He often violates the rights of others, lies, behaves violently, and has a known drug addiction. Timothy is unable to fulfill the responsibilities of family or school. He should obtain treatment for what kind of disorder?
  1. Conduct disorder
  2. Bi-polar disorder
  3. Avoidant personality disorder
  4. Conflict disorder
Answer: A -Conduct disorder is a youthful antecedent to anti-social personality disorder. An individual’s manner of thinking, perceiving situations and relating to others is abnormal. This disorder is presumed to be caused by a combination of environmental and genetic influences. It is unusual to diagnose someone with anti-social personality disorder as an adult who did not exhibit the traits of conduct disorder in his youth.
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