EPPP Psychology

Category - Social and Cultural Bases of Behavior

Youngsters who live close to noisy airports _______________ than do youngsters who live in the more quiet suburbs.
  1. Do better in school and afterschool extracurriculars
  2. Show greater stress responses such as high blood pressure
  3. Show less helping behavior towards the elderly
  4. Do worse in church activities on Sunday mornings
Answer: B - Youngsters who live close to noisy airports show greater stress responses such as high blood pressure than do youngsters who live in the more quiet suburbs. Noisy airports are a significant and persistent stressor. They disrupt sleep and are stressful to young children and adolescents. This continued stress leads to an overproduction of stress hormones which, in turn, lead to changes in the body such as high blood pressure, insomnia, and high blood sugar.
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