EPPP Psychology

Category - Cognitive-Affective Bases of Behavior

The instructor gives you a list of famous psychologists to memorize. During an examination, he presents multiple choices in the answers. This is a test of ___________.
  1. recall
  2. recognition
  3. torture
  4. priming
Answer: B - The instructor gives you a list of famous psychologists to memorize. During an examination, he presents multiple choices in the answers, an example of recognition.
Key Takeaway: Recognition is one of two ways to test for information retention in academic settings (the other is recall). Before a recognition test, a person is allowed to learn the information. During the test, the person is asked a question and then presented with a number of choices, usually 3 or 4. Those choices will contain the correct answer so the person who has seen the information before should be able to recognize it. Testers make it more challenging to recognize the correct answer by supplying alternative (but wrong) choices that are close in concept to the right choice.
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