EPPP Psychology

Category - Biological Bases of Behavior

Melissa’s deep depression is unresponsive to medical treatment. Her doctor recommends a single treatment of ___________ whereby electrodes are placed on her temples and a small electric current is administered.
  1. guided visualization
  2. CAT scan
  3. ECT therapy
  4. PET therapy
Answer: C - Melissa’s deep depression is unresponsive to medical treatment. Her doctor recommends a single treatment of ECT therapy whereby electrodes are placed on her temples and a small electric current is administered.
Key Takeaway: ECT or electroconvulsive therapy is a method used to treat serious depression that is unresponsive to other therapies such as medication and counseling. During ECT, electrodes are placed on the patient’s temples and a small electric charge is administered. Safety provisions are made so that the patient doesn’t bite his or her tongue or is not harmed in any way. This treatments is usually considered a treatment of last resort in those cases where other therapies have not worked and the patient is at risk of harming themselves.
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